MERGE: Lynnmour Xá7elcha Elementary workshop results
On 01, Jun 2022 | In Uncategorized | By Admin
Special thanks to teacher Mr. Paul Best for sharing images of Lynnmour Xá7elcha Elementary’s own version of ‘Merge’.
Each of the ~40 students from Monique Zander’s grades 3/4 and Mr. Best’s 4/5 classes contributed multiple 3″x9″ bands of beautifully rendered blends, textures, and combinations of colours based on parts of nature they had just observed on our short walk outside. These handmade bands and their overall arrangement – thanks to Mr. Best & helpers – results in a more organic-looking version of the original public art piece!
For more on the workshop from May 10: http://www.spacemakeplace.com/merge-workshop-day-at…/
For more about ‘Merge’ acoustic barrier wall and public art project: http://www.spacemakeplace.com/…/merge-lynnmour-sound-wall/
Many thanks to all the students, teachers, and staff who made this happen 🙂