Inspiration for Calder Community Patterns
On 09, Jul 2015 | In Inspiration, Project, Research | By Admin
We’re excited about the new Calder Library mosaic project. The mosaic will be inspired by some of the patterns from the different groups of people who make up this Edmonton community. Census data shows that the people of Calder originate from countries and cultures from all over the world, and that there is a large Aboriginal population.
Tessellation Patterns
On 15, Jun 2015 | In Inspiration, Research | By Admin
Tessellations form a class of patterns found in nature. The arrays of hexagonal cells in a honeycomb or the diamond-shaped scales that pattern snake skin are natural examples of tessellation patterns. Distinct shapes are formed from several geometric units (tiles) that all fit together with no gaps or overlaps to form an interesting and united pattern. Tessellating patterns are abstract and non-representational which makes their interpretation open to the imagination of all people.
STORYTELLING – getting ready for final production
The final production drawings are ready. Next step is the fabrication and preparation to install STORYTELLING this Fall at Chief Mathias Joe Park in North Vancouver, BC.
MOTIF OF ONE AND MANY – installation nearly complete
Motif of One And Many is nearing final completion at the Richmond City Community Centre. Many thanks to everyone involved – the floor looks amazing! The City Centre Community Centre in Richmond, BC. is due to open in September 2015.
STORYTELLING – mini maquette looking good
Rebecca and IMu made this mini maquette of one of the “Two Sisters” before STORYTELLING goes to final production. It is exciting to see a 3D preview! The finished STORYTELLING sculptures will be 62″ tall and fabricated from cut aluminum.